Explore with Lori Ference

Sylvia Warren & Aine Dee - Our Humanity Rising

Episode Summary

Travel Shaman Sylvia Warren of Wild Wisdom Journeys and Money Mystic Aine Dee of Wealth Reimagined first connected based on their mutual love of travel. Little did they know it would lead to an evolution of their work through the "catalytic co-creation" of Our Humanity Rising. Join me to find out where they came from and where they are headed on the road less traveled. Receive an invitation to the gateway for a great new adventure!

Episode Notes

In this episode I speak with Sylvia Warren and Aine Dee of Our Humanity Rising, an inclusive virtual gathering of brave souls ready to engage in a bold quest to clarify, focus, and optimize their efforts for the elevation of humanity.

Episode Highlights

The whole planet is a place of awe. ~ Sylvia the Explorer


About Sylvia Warren

As a Travel Shaman in her Wild Wisdom Journeys, Sylvia guides leaders and change makers on virtual adventures in great decision making and advanced problem solving.

As a Conscious Change Catalyst with her Simply the Best Coaching, she helps smart business women and nonprofit executives elevate their leadership, influence and impact for meaningful, fulfilling and lasting results that contribute to and enrich the greater good of humanity, society, and the world.

About Aine Dee

As a Money Mystic, Aine helps visionary humans develop their own Intimate Sovereignty through the right, healthy, and holy use of resources—and to co-create from that a thriving and equitable world—from participation in her Wealth Reimagined programs.

She specializes in helping entrepreneurs to see and shift their own internal and external influences that drive behaviours and impact personal and collective outcomes. So they can make intimate, informed, and conscious choices about designing and managing their resources—money, vitality, and work—in a grounded and holy way.

As a rEvolutionary, Aine has spent a lifetime naming dysfunctional cultural myths and manipulations around wealth and success.